Re: Prima & Debian

From: Dmitry Karasik <>
Date: 25 Nov 2003 11:57:39 +0100

        Hi Serge!

On 24 Nov 03 at 18:13, "Serge" (Serge Olkhowik) wrote:

 Serge> On 24 Nov 2003 11:33:26 +0100 Dmitry Karasik (Dmitry) wrote:

 Serge> And is there any binary packages for ActiveState of 1.13 version?

 Serge> And one more question - is it possible to create ppm-ready packages
 Serge> for ASP?

Have no idea.

 Dmitry> Aha, I see now why MakeMaker uses INSTALLDIRS, so on debian one
 Dmitry> uses INSTALLDIRS=vendor - smart enough. I think that The Right
 Dmitry> Thing to do would be to teach Makefile.PL to understand
 Dmitry> INSTALLDIRS the way ExtUtils::MakeMaker does. If you'll come with
 Dmitry> a patch that would be grand.

 Serge> Ok, I made some patch for 1.13:

The patch doesn't work for perl 5.6 and below, because install.vendor* variables
are not defined there. Also, the scheme with $PREFIX deduction from
INSTALLSITEARCH and INSTALLSITELIB, which might be unnecessary for 5.8, is
needed for 5.6. Plus, I see at least one 5.8 setup where install.vendor*
set to 'undef', which is valid and seems to hinting to use* .
 Serge> This is strange - the output is empty but I have the following line
 Serge> when creating Makefile:

 Serge> ,---- | Checking for presence of freetype/freetype.h... Checking
 Serge> for presence of | fontconfig/fontconfig.h... yes `----

Xft support requires presence of fontconfig, freetype2, xrender, and iconv.

 Serge> Ok, I built 1.13 and I try --debug=mf on koi8-r script:
 Serge> (with Prima*font: -*-arial-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* line at
 Serge> .Xresources)

I think this is a bug. I committed a fix for this, check if the latest
unix/apc_font.c would solve the problem.

 Serge> I wrote simple example in koi8 and it worked. But it worked with
 Serge> .Xresources file only. I tried even --font=Tahoma-16 - none happens

if ldd says nothing, then Xft was not compiled in.

 Serge> So what I have to do?
 Dmitry> Try setting LANG to koi8 locale, otherwise Prima wouldn't know
 Serge> But I already has ru_RU.KOI8-R.
 Dmitry> which encoding to use for -*-arial-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .
 Dmitry> If you set a default unicode font with koi8 charset present, you
 Dmitry> can use both koi8 and utf8 simultaneously.

I was wrong - if you set a font via XRDB or command line, then the encoding
is not deduced and you're at mercy of your X font server - the first met
encoding wins. This is probably a bug, although resolved easily by
explicit indication of the desired encoding.

--- ---
He who dies with most the toys wins
Received on Tue 25 Nov 2003 - 11:57:44 CET

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