Re: adding pages to ActivePerl HTML documentation tree

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 18:15:17 -0700
To: <>

I wrote:
>> What is the correct way to add links into perltoc.html? E.g. is
>> there a tool that builds this file, or do I just hack it with my
>> editor and/or a script?

michael higgins wrote:
>This does it:
>perl -MActivePerl::DocTools -e "ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC()"

Jonathan D Johnston wrote:
> 1) Drop new HTML doc(s) in the appropriate dir(s) under Perl/html/ .
> 2) Execute the following Perl one-liner:
> perl -MActivePerl::DocTools -e "ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC()"

DH wrote:
> Hi. I am PodMaster. Here's some reading material

Thanks for the replies! :-)

Solution follows.


#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.5 2003/09/19 01:12:33 dpchrist Exp $
# Perl script to generate HTML documentation for Prima 1.12 installed
# into ActivePerl 806.  Run this script from the root of your unzipped
# archive tree after you have run Prima's
# Copyright 2003 by David Christensen <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
# uses:
use warnings;
use strict;
use ActivePerl::DocTools;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( :ALL );
# configuration variables -- change these to match your Perl
# installation:
##### root of installed and Prima::* modules -- note forward
##### slashes:
my $perl_site_lib = 'C:/Perl/site/lib';
##### root where Prima HTML documents should go -- note forward
##### slashes:
my $perl_html = 'C:/Perl/html/site/lib';
##### ActivePerl's table of contents file -- note forward slashes:
my $perl_html_perltoc = 'C:/Perl/html/perltoc.html';
##### full path to ActivePerl's pod2html utility -- note backslashes:
my $pod2html = 'C:\Perl\bin\pod2html.bat';
##### some .pm files don't have pod, and generate an empty HTML page.
##### script will unlink generated pages that are smaller than this
##### threshold:
my $empty_html_size = 500;
# file-scope lexicals:
my $overwrite   = 0;
# subroutines:
sub gen_html
    my $src_path = shift;
    my @dirs = splitdir(dirname($src_path));
    foreach my $dir (splitdir($perl_site_lib)) {
        shift @dirs if $dirs[0] eq $dir;
    my $dest_dir = catdir($perl_html, @dirs);
    unless (-d $dest_dir) {
        mkdir $dest_dir
            or die "error making directory '$dest_dir': $!";
    my $file = basename $src_path;
    $file =~ s/pm$/html/;
    my $dest_path = catfile($dest_dir, $file);
    if (-f $dest_path && $overwrite !~ /^a/) {
        print "file '$dest_path' already exists. ",
            "Overwrite (yes|all|No|exit)? ";
        $overwrite = <>;
        exit(0) if $overwrite =~ /^e/i;
        return unless $overwrite =~ /^y/i || $overwrite =~ /^a/i;
    $src_path  =~ s|/|\\|og;
    $dest_path =~ s|/|\\|og;
    my $line = "$pod2html -htmlroot=file:///$perl_html "
             . "$src_path > $dest_path";
    print "$line\n";
    system $line and die "system error: $!";
    if (-s $dest_path < $empty_html_size) {
        unlink $dest_path;
sub wanted
    return unless $_ =~ /\.pm$/;
# main script:
my $prima_pm    = catfile($perl_site_lib, '');
my $prima_dir   = catdir($perl_site_lib, 'Prima');
die "This script only works under Microsoft Windows"
    unless $^O =~ /MSWin32/;
die "ActivePerl not found -- install ActiveState Perl "
  . "and/or check this script's configuration variables"
    unless -d $perl_site_lib;
die "Prima modules not found -- install Prima "
  . "and/or check this script's configuration variables"
    unless -f $prima_pm
        && -d $prima_dir;
find(\&wanted, ($prima_dir));
(my $save_file = $perl_html_perltoc) =~ s|(\.html)|.sav$1|;
if (-f $save_file) {
    print "file `$save_file` already exists.  Overwrite (yes|Exit)?";
    my $answer = <>;
    exit(0) unless $answer =~ /^y/i;
print "copying '$perl_html_perltoc' to '$save_file'\n";
copy($perl_html_perltoc, $save_file);
print "generating new table of contents '$perl_html_perltoc'\n";
Received on Fri 19 Sep 2003 - 03:15:53 CEST

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