Re: A few more questions about sliders

From: Tim Gimmel <>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:47:37 -0600
To: Dmitry Karasik <>

On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 23:17 +0100, Dmitry Karasik wrote:
> Hi Tim!
> Tim> there a direct way to get the slider delta, or 2) is there is a way
> Tim> to store a persistent variable within onChange, I could always check
> Tim> the new value with the last known value. I am assuming all code
> Tim> (using VB) within an event is non-persistent.
> There's no way to get the delta, and you're right that you can
> compare the new value with the last recorded one. Within onChange
> you can do something like $self-> {my_last_value} = $self-> value

Dmitry, I do not understand what you mean by "$self-> {my_last_value} =
$self-> value"? The literal "my_last_value" does not exist. Do you
mean "my $s = $self->value;", then $s is persistent? I'm confused!

> Tim> 2. To pick up with the last sentence, all variables are local to the
> Tim> event correct?
> In the example above. no.
So all of my lexical variable can conflict with others lexicals?
Doesn't make sense.

> Tim> 3. I need the labels(tick marks etc) on the my main slider to change

Received on Wed 31 Dec 2008 - 23:44:41 CET

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