Re: [Fwd: Re: slider]

From: Dmitry Karasik <>
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 00:26:28 +0100

        Hi Tim!

On 03 ÑÎ× 09 at 00:01, "Tim" (Tim Gimmel) wrote:

 Tim> I am having trouble with fine changes. If I click to the
 Tim> right (or left) of the slider it will increment "step" units, but if
 Tim> I hold the mouse button down it may only increment 1 step.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

 Tim> the behavior if autoTrack = 0 would be onTrack fires during a 'slide'
 Tim> and onChange fires on a finite change. Does any of this sound
 Tim> correct?

Yes, exactly. autoTrack is set 1 by default, and all slider movements
results in onChange. However, if your onChange is heavy, you might
want not to react with a delay, and this is where autoTrack(0)/onTrack
comes into play. onTrack is simply a lightweight analog of onChange,
mostly needed for such purposes.

 Tim> Useless use of unshift with no values at
 Tim> /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/Prima/ line 1158.

Fixed, thanks!

	Dmitry Karasik
Received on Sat 03 Jan 2009 - 00:26:30 CET

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