Re: Widget referencing in VB events.

From: Vadim Belman <>
Date: 08 May 2002 18:45:09 +0300
To: Rick Ovenden <>

On Wed, 2002-05-08 at 15:21, Rick Ovenden wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> In VB events how are widgets other than $self referenced? For example; in
> the onClick event of Button1 how is the text property of Button2 referenced?
> The only way I have found to make it work so far is to set a variable in the
> onCreate event for Button2 [ $prima::CancelButton = $self; ] which I can
> then use in the onClick event of Button2 [
> $prima::CancelButton->text("Exit"); ]. I'm sure this is not the correct way
> to do it.
> Apologies if this a stupid question. I'm new to Perl and I can't find an

        Well, we all were learning once upon a time...

> example anywhere in the Prima-1.05 documentation or examples.

        In fact, the way you used isn't that bad in cases where one need a
shortcut to an object.

        Otherwise you must use the fact that for any widget named 'WidgetXX'
and inserted into a widget stored in $owner (for instance) you can alway
reference it as:


        For example:

                $owner->WidgetXX->size(100, 100);

        And, of course, any owner is reachable via owner() method. So, in a
simple case like the one I have attached you can reference a neighboring
widget as:


/Voland			Vadim Belman

# VBForm version file=1.1 builder=0.1
# [preload]
        return (
        'Button1' => {
                class => 'Prima::Button',
                module => 'Prima::Buttons',
                profile => {
                        origin => [ 104, 124],
                        size => [ 96, 36],
                        owner => 'Parent',
                        onClick => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];

    ! $self->owner->Button2->pressed
);','Button1', 'onClick'),
                        name => 'Button1',
        'Parent' => {
                class => 'Prima::Window',
                module => 'Prima::Classes',
                parent => 1,
                profile => {
                        origin => [ 558, 148],
                        originDontCare => 0,
                        bottom => 148,
                        width => 499,
                        name => 'Parent',
                        sizeDontCare => 0,
                        height => 359,
                        left => 558,
                        size => [ 499, 359],
        'Button2' => {
                class => 'Prima::Button',
                module => 'Prima::Buttons',
                profile => {
                        origin => [ 244, 124],
                        size => [ 96, 36],
                        owner => 'Parent',
                        onClick => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];

$::application->close;','Button2', 'onClick'),
                        name => 'Button2',
Received on Wed 08 May 2002 - 17:45:07 CEST

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