Re: Prima on FC5

From: Dmitry Karasik <>
Date: 07 Sep 2006 09:58:50 +0200

        Hi Zahir!

On 06 Sep 06 at 14:10, "Zahir" (Zahir Lalani) wrote:

 Zahir> Hi All new to the list :-)

 Zahir> I have installed Prima on my FC5 box. I am using the no X11 option
 Zahir> (it's a cgi). If I query available codecs, then JPEG is part of
 Zahir> it. I have a jpg file called zz.jpg which I can view via the FC5
 Zahir> GUI. If I try and do Prima::Image->load('zz.jpg') I get an error
 Zahir> "No appropriate coded found". I have also renamed the file to .jpeg
 Zahir> but still no joy.

noX11 doesn't affect loading of images, so it seems that the problem is
elsewhere. If indeed Prima was compiled with libjpeg ( what does
perl -MPrima -e 'print map { $_->{name}.qq(\n) } @{Prima::Image->codecs};'
say?) then there must be a problem with either zz.jpg or libjpeg itself.

The only cause I can immediateliy think of is that Prima detects if a
file to be loaded is indeed a jpeg file, by verifying its signature ( see
img/codec_jpeg.c , open_load() for more ), and (I'm just speculating) that
you have a file with a newer signature. I don't know if newer jpeg
signatures exists, but this happened once when Prima didn't know about
jpeg2000. You can try to stuff some debug printf's in there to be certain,
and you can also send this jpeg to me.

	Dmitry Karasik
Received on Thu 07 Sep 2006 - 09:58:52 CEST

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