Re: Prima beginner issues

From: Dmitry Karasik <>
Date: 17 Sep 2007 20:31:14 +0200

        Hi Gira,!

 Gira,> Hi,

 Gira,> I feel I have some image library issues even now. I have
 Gira,> installed=20 1. Prima 1.22=20 2. Prima-prigraph-win32-1.01 from
 Gira,> CPAN. Hope this is enough for having atleast gif library on
 Gira,> windows.

There's actually an easy way to see whether you do have or don't have
gif codec installed. Run this code:

   use Prima;
   print "$_->{fileShortType} " for @{ Prima::Image-> codecs};

When compiled with prigraph, it should print something like

   Bitmap GIF PCX TIFF Targa ILBM YUV12C Greymap Pixmap IAX XBitmap Sprite
   PSEG Gem Ras Portrait JPEG PNG

and GIF should be there. I can't think of anything why your installation
cannot load gifs, but can it load pngs, jpegs, bmps at last?

	Dmitry Karasik
Received on Mon 17 Sep 2007 - 20:31:17 CEST

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