Dont understand ->owner behaviour for TabbedNotebook

From: Andrew Bramble <>
Date: 02 Dec 2003 13:01:19 +1100


a strange thing I discovered using the visual builder and Prima version
1.12. If setting a child's owner to be a TabbedNotebook object, when
calling ->owner from the child I get.

in SomeChild

print ref $self->owner;
print ref $self->owner->owner;


I believed the tabbed notebook inherited the various methods and props,
at the moment I'm trying to encourage widgets to register themselves
into the notebook.

onCreate {
my $self= $shift;
my $notebook = $self->owner;
my $tabset = $notebook->owner;

$notebook->attach_to_page( 0 , $self );

$tabset->set_tabs( @{ $tabset->tabs } , 'This Pagename' );


Feature , bug or has my brain turned to jelly?


Received on Tue 02 Dec 2003 - 03:01:55 CET

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